Jr. Entrepreneur Program
Service Description
This one week program is designed with your creative and ambitious teen in mind. They will experience first hand, the ins and outs of running their own company, hands on experience in the wood shop as well as a one day placement in another art studio discovering the medium of their choice. Our Jr. Entrepreneur will be responsible for attending client meetings, engaging in all aspects of the relationship from design input, to estimate and quote building, as well as processing invoices and introduction to book keeping. They will be in charge of running our company photography and social media, as well as creating a new product design. As part of our dedication to our community outreach programs, our Jr. Entrepreneur is responsible for designing and creating a community project of their own. They will be encouraged to build their program around something that they are passionate about, and work with empathy and dedication to see their project through. Their public program will be built from the ground up, and will run for a one month period. They will have the opportunity to see the impact it has on the community before Fall arrives.
Contact Details
270 Sherman Avenue North, Hamilton, ON, Canada
+ 905 923 7660